Historiker Ian Greenhalgh om det destabiliserte Europa og Skandinavia, og hvem som står bak prosessen

19.08.2017 06-01 Publisert

Anti-fascist & far-right groups plan simultaneous Barcelona protests

Catalan Mossos d’esquadra officers patrol at Las Ramblas street where a van crashed into pedestrians in Barcelona, Spain August 18, 2017.

[Editor’s note: The protests organised the following day reveal the true purpose of the Barcelona terror attack – to foment unrest & violence in Europe.

A huge and ever-growing number of white indigenous Europeans have simply had enough of the Muslims who have flooded into Europe over the last few decades and have failed to integrate into the culture and become a part of European society.

Of course, not all of the Muslim immigrants to Europe have failed to integrate, but a large majority can rightly be accused of this and we see the awfully destructive effects on European societies from Finland to Greece.

Many major European cities are now deeply divided between the indigenous white population and the Muslim immigrant population, Paris is a powder keg with a white French heart surrounded by lawless and poverty-stricken banlieus overflowing with disenfranchised, unemployed, poor and angry, largely Muslim second and third generation immigrants, a problem only made far worse by recent arrivals of even more immigrants.

Previously peaceful and thriving nations like The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are being destabilised and becoming more and more wracked with crimes of violence by young Muslim immigrants who find themselves unloved, unwanted, unemployed and deeply disenfranchised, their presence straining the social welfare systems to breaking point.

Several European nations face the deeply disturbing prospect of the Muslim immigrant population becoming a majority within a generation as birth rates among the white indigenous population are far lower.

Sweden has seen an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults, crimes unknown as recently as 1970, and the reason is the tide of immigration, other countries have seen similar problems, particularly in Scandinavia and Germany, to the extent that white vigilante groups have formed to roam the streets and combat the gangs of young Muslim immigrants.


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