IS, Mafiaen og Trump, mer historie enn vi visste om – Massemorder Google

James Comey fikk sparken fordi han etterforsket og fant ut av Trumps tette forbindelse til “Kosher-mafiaen”, og det kunne ikke Trump bare sitte og se på.


“The cause seems to be Trump, the mobster president, and Russia´s efforts to rig the American presidential election. But when FBI Director Comey actually began investigating, everything but Russia came up.”

Les resten her:

The Exclusive History of the world crumbling down around us

Exclusive: ISIS, the Mob and Trump, More History than we knew


… by Gordon Duff with Ian Greenhalgh

Gordon’s roots in a lot of this go back to having had a front row seat in what was really a fake war; and he never forgot it.

[ Editor’s Note: Dear readers, this is a challenging read, even for long time VT readers. It was a challenge for me just doing some formatting and layout work, due to the volume of dot-connecting below. But it also was a challenge to write something like this, starting with being dangerous to do so.

This will be more than a one-read endeavor for you. Some of the names will be familiar, and some not. But all of these people have been on the VT war room board for years; and we have flow charts linking them all together with their endless deals and schemes.

Gordon and Ian have tried to knit this together for you in what will still be an overview at 6500 words. But some of that is reprinted material from outside sources and our own VT archives going back to 2010.

Most of you know that the country has some serious problems. Many of you are focused on one, or maybe a few that are most important for you and your family, at whatever stage of life you are at. But the perspective here is on the horrible security situation we are in, due to corruption that goes into not only the highest level of our political government, but to the upper levels of our security and military.

Most are not involved, but they find themselves with no power to do much about it, due to the laws and restrictions they work under, which will be enforced if they break them, unlike those at the top. And then there is the little problem of where would they go to seek redress, where the fix is not already in?

Gordon and Ian put the work into this because they felt you all have a right to know. We have been at this a long time, which gives us a edge on having good sniffers when it comes tracking down things that have a bad smell to them. The rest is up to you… Jim W. Dean ]


Trump and his “buddies”. Media never grilled him on any of these connections, nor did his political opponents. Why? Were they afraid to do so, or maybe compromised?

– First published … May 12, 2017 –

We have not heard the last of Comey, but he will not be used by the politicians

Washington is coming apart, perhaps as it should but more likely only temporarily. It isn’t that Trump represents the “straw that broke the camel’s back,” but rather that the camel died long ago.

The cause seems to be Trump, the mobster president, and Russia’s efforts to rig the American presidential election. But when FBI Director Comey actually began investigating, everything but Russia came up.

This is the story we will tell, part of it at least, a story you will see no place else, a story filled with characters you don’t know and, for the first time for most of you, the faces of those who control your daily lives will come to light.


Les artikkel:

Exclusive: ISIS, the Mob and Trump, More History than we knew


Mer om massemorder Google:

American Journalist Serena Shim was murdered for discovering shipments of Sarin gas

This is the organization behind Victoria Nuland


NEO – Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros

– First published …  May 16, 2017 –

Back in 2013, Veterans Today along with Press TV and their correspondent Serena Shim tied an innocent-sounding organization to false-flag sarin gas attacks in Syria. VT had come upon the group before, a high-ranking source tied them to assassinations of scientists inside Iran and to a network of black operations squads inside Azerbaijan.

Their task was Iran, destroying their economy, arming Kurdish separatists, undermining any possible nuclear settlement. They had taken down Egypt, temporarily placing the Saudi-funded Muslim Brotherhood in power, they overthrew Ukraine, and they instigated the civil war in Syria.

The organization was called Google Idea Groups, which has since changed its name to “Jigsaw.” Its focus has changed also – it is now recruiting worldwide. Behind massive interlocking websites promising democracy, goodness and light, offering secure software, and training in political activism is that other reality of the dead children, of false flag terrorism, of press manipulation and an agenda of conquest and tyranny.

Whenever anyone gets close to who is really behind this, the lie machine starts pointing fingers at George Soros and his “Open Society” group, for those who are aware of such things, not so many today as it were, clearly on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

American Journalist Serena Shim was murdered for discovering shipments of Sarin gas

This is the organization behind Victoria Nuland and the neocons in Ukraine and, more frightening still, those who clearly controlled Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and now control Donald Trump as well. We aren’t talking one billionaire; we are talking trillions of dollars – we are talking total control of the internet, of all social media, all search engines, even the hardware infrastructure itself.

We also stand ready to prove beyond any doubt that we have broken through at least one level of “what has been hidden.” We are now looking at one head of the hydra – the power above and beyond governments, the power to create reality, engineer any truth, above any law. There are other heads of the hydra – this is one.

Les resten:

NEO – Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros


Artikkel om den russiske mafias Svartehavs-smuglingsrute som forsyner IS med våpen


Ghosts Of The Desert – America’s New Syrian Army

The US militant groups change their names so often that one might get suspicious they are trying to hide their true identities and allegiances, or might even be Americans themselves. Imagine that.

–  First published  …  May 19, 2017 –

An ISIS analog has entered the Syrian stage with all the flair and glory of a Hollywood spectacular; the US has decided to push forward a full-scale ground offensive in Syria. Securing this new offensive against Damascus is one of the real purposes for Donald Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia and Jared Kushner’s 100 billion dollar deal with the Saudis as well.

General Mattis

This combination of Trump’s equivalent of ‘narco-diplomacy’ while Kushner rakes the cash into the family coffers, has been greatly beneficial to both Saudi financiers and US arms suppliers such as Raytheon and Lockheed, while funneling exorbitant back-payments into the Trump family’s Cayman Islands bank accounts.

Much of this was laid out by Mattis who bought off Abadi in Baghdad and hopes to drag British, French and German ground forces unto what the US is calling a ‘deconfliction zone’. Once the European elections are out of the way and NATO has been leveraged, the case against Assad is going to take on new drama.

We saw the phony gas attack – America blocked an investigation, failed to produce even a scrap of evidence, while Trump went cap in hand to Putin, promising to never do it again; then only a few days later, the US fabricated a story about Syria’s Auschwitz, imaginary death camps, incinerators, mass graves and zombie Sonderkommandos, which the Syrian UN Ambassador characterised as Hollywood clap-trap.

Les resten:

Ghosts Of The Desert – America’s New Syrian Army

VT Does a “Super Leak” as Trump Makes America a Saudi Whore

Western Conservatives are Wrong on Christians in the Middle East


Er det ikke merkelig hvordan USAs enorme overvåkningsapparat ikke klarer å se sine egne IS-lastebiler fulle av stjålen olje fra verdensrommet. Google Earth ser bare hva de vil se. Satalitter ser bare det USA, Tyrkia og NATO selv vil se. Og Norge er like “gullig” naív som vanlig, i vår tette allianse med disse morderne.

While Turkish Bodyguards Brutalized Protesters, This DC Think Tank Connected Erdogan with Foreign Policy Insiders


Turkey’s authoritarian leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has dominated his country’s politics since 2003. He has transformed the state from a relatively democratic parliamentary system to a centralized presidential one,purged 130,000 people from the government, harshly cracked down on journalists, violently stifled dissent andwaged a brutal war on his own people—all while enjoying staunch support from the U.S. government and its allies.

President Erdogan met President Donald Trump on May 17. Immediately after the head-to-head, Erdogan was shuttled to the Turkish ambassador’s residence to meet with a group of prominent former U.S. foreign policy officials. The meeting was arranged by the Atlantic Council, one of Washington’s most influential think tanks and one of its most heavily funded, thanks in part to large donations from Turkish Petroleum and the Turkey Army College.

On his way into the meeting, Erdogan watched as his burly bodyguards and pumped-up supporters attacked dozens of protesters in broad daylight. Many of the demonstrators were from ethnic and religious minorities in Turkey like the Kurds and Yazidis. At least 11 people were injured and nine were hospitalized.

Les resten:

While Turkish Bodyguards Brutalized Protesters, This DC Think Tank Connected Erdogan with Foreign Policy Insiders

Trump´s Bedouin Cuckold

Saudis pay Trump to attack Iran – Video


Donald Trump is in Saudi Arabia and judging by the speech he just gave in front of the Saudi king and an assemblage of bought and paid for supplicant nations, one of the prime goals of his visit is to organise a war with Iran.

Although Trump spoke for over half an hour, the key words were those he uttered about Iran, how that nation sponsors, arms, equips, trains and deploys terrorists across the region, namechecking Syria and Yemen as places where these Iranian  sponsored terrorists have been upto no good.

For three minutes, Trump told lie after lie about Iran, his rhetoric was belicose in the extreme; particularly worrying was his statement that Iran gives safe haven to terrorists, something that was alleged of Saddam’s Iraq some 15 years ago when the drums of war were beating for that nation.

Les resten:

Saudis pay Trump to attack Iran – Video

NEO – Saudi Arabia vs Iran: Eye of the Storm

Pravda: Articles of impeachment for Donald J. Trump

Assange, Wikileaks and how Israel enslaved the British


[Editor’s note: Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive…

While few would dispute that a tangled web surrounds his public image, many fail to discern that Assange is practising deception; in fact, it is his raison d’etre, he and his Wikileaks organisation are a front for what the CIA correctly identified as a “hostile intelligence service”; VT will go further and identify them as Israel’s Mossad.

Furthermore, the unstinting support given to Assange and Wikileaks by Nigel Farage and his UKIP party is a clear indicator that they too, are serving Israeli masters and have been ever since they appeared on the British political scene in the 1990s.

Let us step back in time to the mid-90s, a time when Britain was coming to the end of a 15 year rule by the Conservative Party, most of it under Margaret Thatcher. The Labour Party was undergoing a resurgence due to the leadership of John Smith and the disarray within the Conservative Party caused by the thorny issue of the EU and the Maastricht Treaty.

Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock had failed to win the 1992 election, largely due to poor handling of the media and a failure to sell Kinnock to the British people – he was too Welsh and too ginger and Labour never managed to market him effectively, the popular support within the electorate was there but the marketing savvy was lacking.

The Conservatives under Thatcher in the 1980s had transformed British politics by hiring the prestigious Saatchi and Saatchi PR firm and making politics more about the image presented to the public than actual policies. Kinnock’s failure in 92 began a new phase in the history of the Labour Party as party insiders realised that, to beat the Conservatives they had to play the same game where PR spin was king and policies a distant second in importance.

Les resten:

Assange, Wikileaks and how Israel enslaved the British

Rosenstein and Mueller are Dead

(Whopping = kjempe- )

Senator censures $110Bn arms sale to Saudis, citing atrocities in Yemen

Yemeni protesters take part in an anti-US rally in the capital Sana’a on May 20, 2017. (Photo by AFP)
Yemeni protesters take part in an anti-US rally in the capital Sana’a on May 20, 2017. (Photo by AFP)

A US senator has censured the whopping $110 billion weapons deal President Donald Trump signed with the Saudi kingdom, insisting that Washington is trusting a regime with “the worst human rights record” in the region to bring peace to the Middle East.

Press TV – “It appears the Trump administration is counting on the country with the worst human rights record in the region to enforce peace and security in the Middle East,” Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut wrote in an op-ed piece for the Huffington Post on Saturday, describing the arms sale as “a terrible idea.”

Murphy, who is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, further pointed to the fact that the monarchy has persistently used US-supplied weaponry against civilians in the region and specifically in neighboring Yemen.

“[Former President Barack] Obama withheld precision-guided munitions because the Saudis were using US-provided munitions to repeatedly target civilian and humanitarian sites in their bombing campaign inside Yemen, despite regular protests from the United States,” he wrote.

Les resten:

Senator censures $110Bn arms sale to Saudis, citing atrocities in Yemen

Russian Special Forces to Thwart Trump´s Moves in Southern Syria

Fake news about Syria continues to be everywhere


The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part II)

Case of Kulbushan Yadav in court of ICJ

US changes tactics against ISIS, working on plan with `enthusiastic´ Russians

Soft-Pedalling with Satan – Russia Today and the White Helmets

Oxford student will not go to jail for stabbing lover because she has “extraordinary” talent



Soft-Pedalling with Satan – Russia Today and the White Helmets


[Editor’s note: 

… by the time the ‘dot connectors’ have finished, everyone who questioned these events was painted with the same brush and equally discredited, though undeserved. This pattern was repeated over and over to the extent that we began to see that false flag terrorism, now recognised as a very real threat after many years of getting a ‘pass’ from the media, could and would not exist without the armies of dot-connecting conspiracy theorists who poisoned the well for real investigative journalists.

Veterans Today exposed the White Helmets as proof Western Intelligence Agencies, media along with Israel, ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Holly wood buffoon George Clooney, had formed a cabal. The seeming victims of that cabal, other than those duped into believing the White Helmets were something other than simply terrorists changing hats were primarily Syria and their Russian allies.

Les resten:

Soft-Pedalling with Satan – Russia Today and the White Helmets

Oxford student will not go to jail for stabbing lover because she has “extraordinary” talent



Zio-American Empire Declares War on Planet Earth


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor


A second US aircraft carrier has arrived “on North Korea’s doorstep,” moving toward war with China as well as North Korea.

A top Russian general says the US is preparing a nuclear strike on Russia.

The US has openly invaded Syria and is conducting airstrikes (on behalf of ISIS and a re-named al-Qaeda) against the Syrian government.

The Zionist Entity, largely in charge of Washington DC since the 9/11 coup d’état, is openly calling for the assassination of President Assad.

Now Trump has gone to Saudi Arabia (the country he blames for 9/11) to dump a huge new pile of weapons on the Wahhabis and prime them for war on Iran. Then he will head over to Israel, where Bibi hopes Trump will move the US embassy to Jerusalem thereby declaring war on all of the world’s 1.7 billion Muslims.

Les resten:

Zio-American Empire Declares War on Planet Earth


Why We Don’t Need Neoconservativism


…by Jonas E. Alexis


Douglas Murray, the Associate Editor of the Spectator who writes for publications such as the Sunday Times and the Wall Street Journal, is certainly an interesting character. As a flaming Neocon, he writes books about why we really need Neoconservatism.[1] But then he goes on to implicitly bemoan the devastating consequences that the Neoconservative ideology has brought upon much of the West.

In his recent book The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam, Murray makes it very clear that he does not like the idea that Muslims are immigrating to Europe, but the same Murray cannot see that perpetual wars in the Middle East and the destruction of nations by the Neoconservatives are forcing decent Muslims to abandon their countries of origin. Back in 2006, Murray declared:

Les resten:

Why We Don’t Need Neoconservativism

Trump is a danger to the world: Der Spiegel

KESHE Foundation Ghana, a worldwide non-profit organization in Spaceship Technology is partnering BONADES Limited, a Ghanaian-owned Construction Engineering Management (CEM) company for the development and construction of the first-of-its-kind Spaceship Research Centre in Ghana.

Spaceship launch pad, research centre to be built in Ghana

Syrian War is still in doubt – for everybody

Understanding Brits – A Post-Political Analysis

The New American-Saudi-Muslims Alliance

On the way to KSA
On the way to KSA

As the “main-media besieged” President Donald Trump touches down in Riyadh on his first international trip, he is expected to receive a lavish and unprecedented reception by Saudi officials as he attends a busy, two-day summit with Saudis, GCC leaders and heads of state from the Islamic world (minus Iran); and we all know what the rewards for America will be, after 8 years of a lean-and-mean relationship with President Obama.

President Trump is expected to come back loaded with financial and business opportunities not seen in the history of the US-Saudi relations from a promise of $40-billion in badly needed infrastructure projects in the US to the more than $100 billion in arms deals, that is expected to increase over the next 10 years to $300 billion. This is in addition to unwavering support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its ongoing geopolitical, if not ideological, conflicts with its neighboring Islamic Republic of Iran, where these two antagonists are locked in a deadly fight in Syria and in Yemen.

Les resten:

The New American-Saudi-Muslims Alliance

New Evidence Substantiates Seymour Hersh´s Account of Bin Laden´s Killing:

Breaking: Israeli Teams in Lebanon to Murder Nasrallah, Spiritual Head of Hezbollah


…by  Gordon Duff, with Nahed al Husaini,  Damascus

Signal intercepts have been received from combined Saudi-Israeli assassination squads moving into Lebanon.  Their target is Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Lebanese political party, Hezbollah.

Hezbollah currently has 20,000 fighters inside Syria supporting the US backed war against ISIS and al Qaeda.

Les resten:

Breaking: Israeli Teams in Lebanon to Murder Nasrallah, Spiritual Head of Hezbollah

Afghanistan: Not Winnable

An American built school for girls, millions in graft pay for edifices like this
An American built school for girls, millions in graft pay for edifices like this
To the Honorable Gary Peters
U.S. Senator
Les resten:

Afghanistan: Not Winnable


Did Russia really invade Crimea?


…by Jonas E. Alexis


The argument that “Russia invaded Crimea” should still make one laugh because it is so pathetic. Again, it is like saying that the United States invaded California or Texas. Last February, my dear friend Mark Dankof debated an “independent scholar” by the name of Peter Sinnott on Press TV, and one could easily see that Sinnott was getting his butt kicked.

During the entire debate Sinnott kept positing a plethora of spurious statements and groundless accusations against Russia and indeed Vladimir Putin. “Russia,” Sinnott asserted, “has been aggressive when they basically invaded and annexed Crimea and they are still aggressive in Eastern Eukraine.”

Is Sinnott really an “independent scholar,” or has the New World Order ideology poisoned his mind and clouded his moral and political judgement? Will a serious independent scholar advance the fallacious argument that Russia invaded Crimea? Hasn’t Crimea been a part of Russia from time immemorial?

Dankof destroyed Sinnott’s entire argument by saying that

“As far as Crimea is concerned, the Crimeans understood that they didn’t want to be governed by this illegitimate regime in Kiev. They voted by something like 98 percent in the legitimate referendum.”

Party is over. Even Zionist outlets such as USA Today reported that “Crimea’s election committee said that 97% of voters backed a union between the largely ethnic-Russian peninsula and the huge neighboring country.”[1]

Reuters, of all places, declared that the vast majority of Crimeans voted in order to “quit Ukraine for Russia.” In a similar vein, the Washington Post, another Zionist outlet, did not refute the claim that Crimeans overwhelmingly voted for Russia.[2] National Public Radio,Bloomberg, the Irish Times, the Baltimore Sun, and even PBS agreed with the polls that Crimeans wanted to connect with Russia.[3]

So, where did Sinnott get the dumb idea that Russia invaded Crimea? Did he get it through exhaustive research and a convergence of evidence? Or was he reproducing what New World Order agents have been saying from eternity to eternity?

Les resten:

Did Russia really invade Crimea?

Syrian War Report – May 19, 2017: US-Led Forces Fights With Syrian Army For Iraqi Border

Washington’s calls on US allies to stop contacts with Assad encourage terrorists – Lavrov

Pravda: Large Hadron Collider to Contact Hell

F.B.I. Once Warned G.O.P. Congressman That Russian Spies Were Recruiting Him

US-led coalition strike against Syrian forces ‘absolutely unacceptable’ – Russian Foreign Ministry

John McCain calls for expulsion of Turkey’s ambassador to US

Is Alex Jones attacking Islam and Muslims for the MONEY while fooling you?

There is Something Afoot in Southern Syria

Classified/Exclusive: Trump, Lavrov Briefing Leak from Russia

Russian Defense Ministry claims only 23 Tomahawks struck Syrian air base

Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash


…Erdogan didn’t leave Washington empty handed, he was simply visiting his employees

[ Editor’s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.

Trump allowed Turkey to repeatedly bomb America’s allies in Syria, with American advisors embedded with them scrambling for their lives.  Now we see that Trump and Flynn scuttled US efforts against ISIS on behalf of Turkey, Flynn got $530,000 and Trump simply served the gangsters who financed Trump SOHO and so much more, his Bayrock partner.

Flynn had been on the Turkish payroll and under active investigation by the FBI for working for Turkey, not Russia but Turkey, when Trump put him into the White House.  Trump knew this according to this story from the New York Times:





So when Flynn got in and blocked the Obama military program to take Raqqah, cutting off aid to the forces we trained, even allowing Turkey to bomb Kurds with Americans embedded with them, and saying nothing, we think maybe we have the real smoking gun for another special prosecutor… Gordon]

Les resten: Read more:

Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash

Israel to Assassinate Assad, Maybe Putin Too

Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein dodges the bullet, appoints Mueller as special prosecutor


The Coming Shift to Cosmic Fascism (Part I)

US hypersonic aircraft will not catch Russia flat-footed

Mafia Kingpins meet to decide fate of Iran

Israeli Spymaster Dumps on Trump from Very Shaky Ground

The Balfour Declaration – A Century of Jewish Power


By Gilad Atzmon

This year, Palestinians and their supporters mark the 100th anniversary of The Balfour Declaration, a written statement from the United Kingdom’s Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, to Walter Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, in favour of the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine.

For Palestinians, The Balfour Declaration was the beginning of their plight: a century of ethnic cleansing at the hands of European newcomers who claim Palestine as their historic home. Yet, for some reason, supporters of the Palestinians are desperate to suppress discussion of the motivation for the Balfour Declaration – how and why did it come about?

The Balfour Declaration provides solid evidence that the dominance of Jewish political lobbies in world affairs is not really a ‘new development.’ In 1917, at the peak of WWI, it was up to a few Jewish financiers and lobbyists to decide the fate of countries, continentsand the outcome of global conflicts.

In his invaluable book, The Pity of it All, Israeli historian Amos Elon suggests that the 1917 Balfour Declaration was at least partially motivated by the British government’s desire to win the support of pro-German American Jews so that they would help to pull the USA into the war.

Les resten:

The Balfour Declaration – A Century of Jewish Power

Erdogan and Trump, Partners in Trump SOHO, Meet at Last

The global financial system through usury- a cancer to humanity

Om alternativ Kosher-medias favoritt, Mossad-Gaddafi:

Yemen, Cholera, Israel and WMDs

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on May 17, 2017

Not neon hotdogs, the Cholera virus viewed under an electron microscope.

Les resten:

Yemen, Cholera, Israel and WMDs

Trump Burns US Intelligence, Mattis No Where to Be Found

Syria rejects Washington´s crematorium allegation as `unfounded´?

Republished: Judges Conceal Kosher Nostra, Sater, Aid Organized Crime & Death Threats

Felix Sater Bayrock

From May 13, 2017: Followup to: ISIS, the Mob and Trump, More History than we knew. As we have been closely examining the Russian mafia ties of the Trump administration, Felix Sater (Sheferovsky) keeps coming up.

The film below describes Sater as known by the FBI to be a “Syndicate crime boss for Simeon Mogilevich Moscow organized crime family.” Sater’s father Michael Sheferovsky worked for Mogilevich, one of the top ten of the FBI most wanted.

Les resten:

Judges Conceal Kosher Nostra, Sater, Aid Organized Crime & Death Threats

NRK tror fortsatt på at USA kjemper mot IS… (Raqqa)

Hvis de kunne ha lest Gordon Duffs artikkel ovenfor ville de ha skjønt at USA skapte IS, og spiller et skittent spill sammen med Tyrkia, som også redaktør Mike Harris forklarer dem her:

Vil gjøre NRK til stiftelse – Bra, så slipper jeg å se og høre og måtte sponse flere løgner og alvorlige fortielser om sannheten?

Mike Harris: PRESS TV “US to arm Syrian Kurds “very quickly”

Kari Jaquesson etter Syria-besøk: Lovpriser Assads soldater og hevder hjelpeorganisasjon er terrorister

Mener vestlige mediers dekning av krigen er løgnaktig.

Trimdronning Kari Jaquesson er en modig og intelligent dame

Mossadist philosopher and murderer Bernard Henry Levy gets pied in Serbia

The X Files of Turkey & US: The Conflict Is Out There

French prisons: Secluded camps to hire and train new ISIL fighters


AP photo

One of the prime goals for new President of France Emmanuel Macron is to completely eradicate terrorism in the country. The killing of a policeman on the Champs-Elysees shortly before the first round of the presidential election has once again reminded the French: the level of the terrorist threat in their country is extremely high.

French news agencies regularly report about efforts to prevent terrorist attacks in various regions of  France. On April 18, two men were arrested in Marseilles on suspicion of working on a terrorist attack. According to various estimates, at least 2,000 people in France are somehow connected with terrorist cells in Iraq and Syria, the National Office of the Interior of France said. Needless to say that the real figure can be a lot larger.

Les resten:

French prisons: Secluded camps to hire and train new ISIL fighters

Forsvarsekspert: Nato-
soldater i Norge for
å omringe Russland

Norge synger: “Signed, sealed, delivered, I´m yours (USA)”

Vladimir Putin to US: Peaceful resolutions, not war, is going to solve the North Korean problem

Trump to Lavrov: US will put ISIS in Damascus whatever the cost



… by Nahed Al Husaini, Damascus VT Bureau

Chessboard players scramble to harvest the benefits

[Editor’s note: As the US has now changed sides and is clearly working with ISIS and al Qaeda, who are openly Saudi allies, it is the United States that needs a regime change and Trump that needs to go to Russia for political asylum and to be shielded from war crimes tribunals.

Do you consider this extreme? If you do, then you simply aren’t paying attention. One by one, world leaders are stressing that Trump is a danger to world peace. It is time that a few around here paid attention and made the moves necessary to get Trump and his monkeyboy Pence out of power and clean the gangsters out of government, starting with those Trump has brought with him… Gordon ]


Les resten:

Trump to Lavrov: US will put ISIS in Damascus whatever the cost 

Rex Tillerson trivializes the US-Russia geopolitical freeze


’You cannot reset:’ No way for US & Russia to start over ‘with clean slate’ – Tillerson

… from Russia Today,  Moscow

Dear Rex, Whose borders have been steadily approached by a huge military power, the US or Russia’s?

[ Editor’s Note: This is one of these strange smoke-blowing exercises that we get way too often in the sheep’s clothing of pretending to be filling the public in on US policy, when it is just the opposite. Tillerson starts out with the incredibly cheap shot of stating the obvious, that there is no magic reset button for US-Russian relations.

Then he moves on to what his real goal is here, framing Russia for the  low “level of trust” gulf that currently exists, and even used the end of the Cold War as an anchor. Dear Mr. Secretary, you bombed out big time on this attempt.

It is not Russia that reneged on the deal with NATO to not attempt to pull the new independent East European states back into the old Soviet orbit on the condition that NATO would not encircle Russia. It was the US and its NATO partners who did this, starting when Russia was financially and militarily in a wrecked condition after having been looted by a marriage of Western deep state gangsters, Jewish-Russian oligarchs, and Israel, when Russia was not a threat to anyone. I am sure you remember this all clearly.

It is not Russia that later began ringing Western Europe and the US with 700+ military bases, and putting advanced missile defense systems in Canada, Mexico and the Bahamas. It is the US that did this to Russia, or I should say once again, the deep state gangsters that run that behind-the-scenes show, who are the real threat that can clearly be seen in retrospect, if anyone wants to.

And then Tillerson saves the worst for last, a flip-flop, claiming it is conclusive that the Russians had influenced the last election, and certainly not to help Hillary win, when no one has yet to put any proof on the table. Trump himself has attacked all, including the newly fired Comey, for not having publicly stated that “no proof” position, despite the FBI not having finished its investigation. You just can’t make this stuff up.

Les resten:

Rex Tillerson trivializes the US-Russia geopolitical freeze

America is Something that You Can Easily Maneuver : Bibi Netanyahu

The White Helmets er avslørt som lureri av fanget terrorist

George Clooney Busted: Captured Terrorist Spills The Beans

Privatization of Government (Part II)


In the last article, we talked about and addressed the issue of “deconstruction of the state” reducing and streamlining its administrative bureaucracy, reducing the “red tape” and reducing its role in the daily lives of all Americans. So far so good.

Deconstruction is one thing, privatization of government services is totally another thing. And if we are to take “deconstruction” to its logical conclusion then “privatization” is the answer.

Yes, and true, governments and administration resort to “privatization” to show they are doing something for the taxpayers, reducing the budget and taken different departments or agencies off the books as a favor to the taxpayer. No, it is not a favor to the taxpayers.

On the contrary, all “privatization” programs have proven a “windfall” for the private sector, to Wall Street, to hedge fund managers who through investing in these companies that provide services on behalf of government make a ton of money. The taxpayers end up paying double and triple for the services government used to provide. Of course, taxpayers do not feel it as a tax, but they do pay it directly from the disposable little income they have.


Les resten:

Privatization of Government (Part II)

Comey´s letter to the FBI – Short and sweet

Trump Planning To Nuke NYC To Save His Own Ass?

Is North Korea Enabling THAAD Missile System Deployment Against China?

Death is an Illusion Measured By The Limits of Ego Consciousness

Islam, Armageddon, and the “Secret of Fatima”

How to Smuggle US Nuclear Triggers to Israel

Israeli spies literally got waived through the gate on this deal with the US openly supporting Zionist nuclear proliferation for decades
Arnon Milchan (c) and Netanyahu, flaunting their espionage against the US to this day

by Grant Smith, … with Institute for Research, Middle Eastern Policy, Washington, DC

link to the article below…

Grant Smith has been in the trenches a long time fighting Israeli espionage in the US

[ Editor’s Note: Grant Smith of IRmep has been the bionic bulldog on this long running Israeli nuclear espionage case that official Washington would prefer the public never know anything about.

That is not only due to the gravity of this specific case, and how nothing was really done about it. But even worse, it set the stage for allowing Israeli espionage to go on in the US without being inconvenienced with arrests and prosecutions.

This made Israel’s recruiting of spies in the US mere child’s play, because it was obvious that the fix was in at the top. No law enforcement agency or security trade group has ever publicly stood up to this disgrace, despite its being an incredible breach of their oath of office, and in effect, making them accessories to ongoing  Zionist espionage here.

Les resten:

How To Smuggle US Nuclear Triggers To Israel

Condoleezza Rice is still a liar and a psychopath

Insider spills secrets: Western-freemasonic coup attempts against Iran

Are the Rothschilds and their freemasonic friends still active in Iran despite the Islamic Revolution?

Watch the new FFWN above; click HERE for links to the stories,  HERE to subscribe to my work, and HERE to support False Flag Weekly News.

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

False Flag Weekly News co-host Anthony Hall is flying to Tehran to attend a conference and get a first-hand view of the Iranian elections scheduled for next Friday, May 19.

In the meantime, here is insider Barry Lanza’s behind-the-scenes view of what is at stake in the Iranian election.

Insider spills secrets: Western-freemasonic coup attempts against Iran

Comey had to go!

Road to Peace: How Russia, Iran and Turkey´s Safe Zones Can End the Syrian War

Is State Terrorism Targeting China’s Silk Road?


                                                                       By Sajjad Shaukat for Veterans Today

Being the only nuclear country in the Islamic World, Pakistan has become special target of the US-led India and Israel, including some Western countries. After the shift of the Great Game from Central Asia to Pakistan, American CIA, Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad have been supporting target killings, suicide attacks, hostage-takings, sectarian and ethnic violence in various cities of the country, while backing separatist elements in Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan provinces.

As part of the double game, based in Afghanistan, these secret agencies which have well-established their covert network there and are well-penetrated in the terrorist outfits like the Islamic State group (Also known as Daesh, ISIS, ISIL), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and their affiliated Taliban groups are using their terrorists to destabilize Tibetan regions of China, Iranian Sistan-Baluchistan and Pakistan’s Balochistan by arranging the subversive activities. In this regard, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is their special target.

Les resten:

Is State Terrorism Targeting China´s Silk Road?

Trump recklessly making the world more dangerous: Labour leader

Norway´s trade unions vote to boycott Israel over Palestine

By GPD on May 13, 2017

Will Israel have its ISIS terrorists attack Norway now? We say “yes!”

Les artikkel

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Mike Harris: PRESS TV – US to arm Syrian Kurds “very quickly’

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Senate Subpoenas Flynn – Is Trump Administration Compromised?

Vote Thief Appointed to Chair Commission on Vote Fraud

Censorship outrage! Left Forum bans anti-Zionism, 9/11 truth ? Muslim perspective not welcome, false flags are taboo

Vladimir Putin to US journalist: Don?t be an idiot

How 16 Russian Special Forces Took Out 300 Terrorists

Zionist Propaganda Machine Targets Russia

Did Comey Call “Holster Boy” a Lunatic?

`Trump´s only ideology is `me´, deeply authoritarian & very dangerous´ – Noam Chomsky

The Russian White House, Trump Steps His Foot in It

A Strategic Evaluation Of The American Scheme About Syria

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NEO – Western Fake News guns aimed at foreign leaders

After Buying S-400, Turkey Aims to Build Own Components for Air Defense Systems

Massemorder Google

Narcos-agenten: – Det
er én ting ved Pablo Escobar som aldri slutter å overraske

Tror Side3-reportere på alt de får servert fra USA? Har dere ikke lov til å være kritiske mot USA?

State Department Offers $5 Million Reward in Enrique “Kiki” Camarena Murder

By Robert O’Dowd on November 8, 2013


A story that sounds like it was taken from a complex espionage novel has just exploded on U.S. television.  Enrique Kiki Camarena, the DEA law enforcement officer murdered in Mexico in February, 1985, was apparently not the victim of the Mexican capo Rafael Caro Quintero, but rather, of a dark member of the CIA. This individual was the one charged with silencing the anti-narcotics agent for one serious reason: he had discovered that Washington was associated with the drug trafficker and was using the profits from the drug trafficking to finance the activities of the counterrevolution.

Camarena was a U.S. Marine


North or his attorney censored 1,269 pages of the notebooks before turning them over to Kerry´s staff for review in December 1987, according to the Subcommittee. Congress granted North immunity but he still objected to handing over the full notebooks. The Subcommittee concluded that the deletions in the notebooks made it difficult to determine the full extent of “narcotics trafficking.” Despite the deletions and refusals to hand over all of the notebooks in the possession of North (now a former NSC employee whose classification clearance had been terminated), the White House´s position was that the notebooks were “federal property and subject to classification at the highest level.” Some of the entries in North?s notebooks found by the Subcommittee to be related to narcotics include:

May 12, 1984…contract indicates that Gustavo is involved w/drugs (Q0266)

June 26, 1984, DEA – followed by two blocks of text deleted by North (Q0349)

June 27, 1984, Drug Case – DEA program on controlling cocaine – Ether cutoff – Columbians readjusting – possible negotiations to move refining effort to Nicaragua – Pablo Escobar- Columbian drug czar – Informant (Pilot) is indicted criminal- Carlos Ledher – Freddy Vaughn (Q0354)

July 9, 1984, Call from Claridge – Call Michael re Narco Issue- RIG at 1000 Tomorrow- (Q0384)

DEA Miami- Pilot went talked to Vaughn- wanted A/C to go to Bolivia to p/u paste- want A/C to p/u 1500 kilos- Bud to meet w/Group (Q0385)

July 12, 1984, Gen Gorman- Include Drug Case (Q0400)

Call from Johnstone- (While House deletion) leak on Drug (Q0402)

Les resten

8. nov. 2013 – Two retired DEA agents say Kiki Camarena uncovered the connection between cocaine and the …. Pablo Escobar/Fredric Vaughn (Q0460).

Trump, Flynn and the Trifecta of Deception

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on March 16, 2017


But there is a darker side, Afghanistan is a hellhole of iniquity, America´s narco-state, afloat with cash and corruption, ruled by Washington, a city of small men with tiny little hands and a thirst for cash. Flynn´s downfall began in Afghanistan.

Conway, Miller, Trump, can a photo have so much stupid and not self destruct on the page?

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Trump, Flynn and the Trifecta of Deception | Veterans Today

16. mar. 2017 – … living the life of somewhere between Pablo Escobar and Lawrence of … neither a dead attorney nor a dead snake – just roadkill (by Trump).

Pravda: As Trump Moves More Troops into Afghanistan, “Heroin dealer in chief”

By GPD on March 18, 2017

Heroin, the true mission of America´s military involvement in Afghanistan

By William Edstrom

A heroin surge is shocking and awing Americans, 165,000 of who will be killed the next ten years. How does 415,000 kilograms (913,000 pounds) of heroin from US-occupied Afghanistan get to US each year?

Opium Wars I & II were British troops forcing farmers in India and Pakistan, colonies of Britain then, to grow opium which Brits pushed on Chinese to try to make China a colony of Britain too. In the 1980´s, CIA grifters flew weapons to Contras in Nicaragua and flew crack cocaine back to the USA . The DEA did nothing to stop CIA felons from dealing crack in the USA.

CIA organized, trained and armed the Mujahideen (later re-named Taliban) to fight a 1979 Soviet invasion into Afghanistan and to push heroin on Russians. CIA contracted NLC trucks to send weapons through Pakistan to Afghanistan and to bring heroin back. After Soviet withdrawal, Taliban took control of Afghanistan´s government.

Les resten:

Pravda: As Trump Moves More Troops into … – Veterans Today

18. mar. 2017 – The DEA did nothing to stop CIA felons from dealing crack in the USA. ….. Has the USA become too much of a Pablo Escobar-Scarface banana …

Standing Up

By Robert O’Dowd on November 4, 2014

“Standing Up” is a documentary film on the story of one man’s fight for justice to uncover the murder of Marine Colonel James E. Sabow, his older brother.

(SALEM, OR) – Standing Up is posed to be an award wining documentary of a convert operation gone wrong in the 1980s and early 1990s and the murders of Marine Colonel James E. Sabow and other Marines who were a threat to blow the whistle on illegal narcotrafficking into the US on CIA proprietary aircraft.

The documentary is directed and produced by Scott Goldie, an established Hollywood script writer, director and producer.

I have not seen the trailer or talked in depth to Goldie, but several years were involved in interviewing witnesses and other players involved in the Colonel James E. Sabow story.  From my discussions with Dr. David Sabow and others, the fill should be a “earth shattering” documentary for the Marine Corps, and the entire federal government.

It is a testimony to the fortitude and brotherly love of Dr. David Sabow and his 23 year fight for justice in the murder of Colonel Sabow, his older brother and the courage of Goldie to pursue this investigatory report with the risks inherent in such a project.

Ruled a suicide by the Orange County California Sheriff/Coroner, the cold blooded murder of Colonel Sabow in his quarter at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, CA, on January 21, 1991.

The murder of Marine Colonel James E. Sabow and other Marines are tied to the use of El Toro´s assets to ferry weapons and supplies to the Contra rebel faction in Nicaragua and cocaine into the U.S. to fund an undeclared war in Nicaragua.

Les resten:

Standing Up | Veterans Today

4. nov. 2014 – Enrique Kiki Camarena, a DEA agent and former Marine, was kidnapped, tortured and murdered in … Pablo Escobar/Fredric Vaughn (Q0460).

Om CIA og NATOs narkohandel

Censorship outrage! Left Forum bans anti-Zionism, 9/11 truth – Muslim perspective not welcome, false flags are taboo

Vladimir Putin to US journalist: Don´t be an idiot

How 16 Russian Special Forces Took Out 300 Terrorists

Zionist Propaganda Machine Targets Russia

Did Comey Call “Holster Boy” a Lunatic?

“Trump´s only ideology is `me´, deeply authoritarian & very dangerous” – Noam Chomsky

The Russian White House, Trump Steps His Foot in It

A Strategic Evaluation Of The American Scheme About Syria

FBI Director Fired: Is the US a Mafia Controlled Dictatorship?

After Buying S-400, Turkey Aims to Build Own Components for Air Defense Systems

Forvaret er komisk

For Forsvaret er kvinnemuskler og kondis (våpen) den “skarpeste” delen av Forsvaret, ikke hodene. Hadde kvinnene og mennene i “hjerneavdelingene”, som er temmelig uskarpe, brukt hodene sine så ville de ikke ha sett på Russland som en fiende. Men jeg snakker for døve ører. Det samme gjør alle forskere og journalister som presenterer USA som en trussel.—kvinner-i-forsvaret-svekker-norges-stridsevne/68933253

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